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Challenges Faced by the Youth and their Solutions

Ar-Rashad Press

Abrar Chowdhry

All Praise Belongs to Allah ﷻ, the Almighty, and Peace and Blessings Be Upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

We live in a time where adhering to our Deen is like holding a piece of burning coal [Jami’ Al-Tirmidhi 2260]

With the whole Ummah struggling and facing challenges from multiple angles. But know that whilst I don't know your struggles, nor do your friends and family,

Allah ﷻ, the most merciful, is fully aware of your struggles and He is with you wherever you are [Surah Al Hadid 57:4].
Our Lord is the one who has kept 99 of the mercy and given 1 mercy to creation [Muslim 2752].
He is the most kind and forgiving to the extent that if we come with an earthful of sins, He will come with an earthful of mercy [Jami’ Al-Tirmidhi 3540].

So, wherever we are and whatever our struggles and faults, let us all return back to the most merciful.

Challenges Faced by Our Youth

Our youth, in particular, are facing severe challenges in this era. Islam, being the true religion and code of life, grants us all guidance and solutions to all our issues. We are just to take heed.

Social Media

The global culture today is heavily geared towards and driven by celebrities and social media. Both the religious and secular communities have expressed the harms of this, namely, lack of focus, addiction (driven by dopamine release), immodest behaviour, and the negative influence of celebrity culture along with the desire for lavish lifestyles (which fails to provide true happiness). It’s a well-known saying that comparison is the killer of joy.

The Holy Qur'an and Sunnah teach us that our Prophet ﷺ is the best example to follow [Surah Al Ahzab 33:21],

and we learn the importance of Zuhd (having preference for the Akhira) and not sacrificing the eternal reward of Jannah for a temporary and modest gain in the dunya. Studying the Deen and understanding the lifestyle of the Prophet ﷺ clearly shows happiness is not from wealth or status. There is an emptiness in the hearts of humans, and no amount of money or fame can fill that void.

Only in the remembrance of Allah ﷻ shall we find contentment [Surah Ar Ra’d 13:28].

The Holy Qur’an continuously mentions the importance of Salah, which has countless benefits. One of which is the creation of self-discipline that will free us from addiction to social media and the lack of focus arising from its indulgence. Why follow celebrities when we can follow the best of creation, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?

Free Mixing, Immodest Behaviour, and Haram Relationships

We all unfortunately face this issue; however, this problem is particularly severe for our youth and understandably so given the heightened level of emotions and hormones. The problem is only worsened with the rise of social media, the “modern” dress code (particularly on a sunny day!), and levels of free mixing in our schools, offices, shops… in fact in our society.

Once again, our Deen provides a solution for this, and that is fasting. It helps control one's desires [Jami’ Tirmidhi 1081].
Furthermore, constantly establishing Salah prevents us from immodesty [Surah Al Ankaboot 29:45].
The root of these evils can be cut by lowering our gaze as Allah ﷻ has commanded us [Surah An Nur 24:30],

which may be difficult. However, In Sha Allah, through fasting, Salah, and seeking Allah’s ﷻ help and forgiveness, we shall receive support and mercy from the most kind.

We learn from the story of Imam Ahmad (R.A) and the Baker the power of Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness).

Allah ﷻ will fulfil all our needs and ambitions. No matter what we’ve done; constantly and sincerely repenting to Allah ﷻ will no doubt cover us in His mercy, and we shall see blessings throughout our lives.

I lastly advise our elders and parents to make marriage easy, as Islam intends, and cut off innovations, racism, extravagance, and adhere to the related Sunnah.

Marriage is a blessing from Allah ﷻ and strengthens a person to lower the gaze and protect the private parts [Jami’ Tirmidhi 1081].

Smoking, Drugs, and Crime

This issue has sadly destroyed (physically, mentally, and psychologically) many lives, both old and young. Often it starts with one's company.

As such, Islam strongly recommends choosing our friends carefully [Jami’ Al-Tirmidhi 2378]

and naturally leaving bad company, which will In Sha Allah take us out of these environments encouraging these practices.

Now, on the matter of substance abuse, we learn that this is the handiwork of the devil and is done to stir up hostility. Allah ﷻ has once again given us guidance on this matter. It is up to us to take that guidance, have faith in it, and implement it.

The solution Allah ﷻ has given is to remember Him and practice Salah [Surah Al Ma’ida 5:91].

Once we have sincerely asked Allah ﷻ and have established the prayer, rely upon Him and then take relevant treatment and professional help.

Just remember that when we are ill, indeed it is Allah ﷻ Who cures us, as quoted from Ibrahim (AS) [Surah Ash Shuara 26:80].


Unfortunately, the music industry has become ubiquitous and ingrained in our culture and society, particularly among young people. This is to the extent that it is strange and embarrassing for a person to not be familiar with the latest in pop culture. We must remember that the importance of people’s desire for your behaviour does not go above the importance of Allah’s ﷻ commands upon you and sadly, addiction to music has sometimes led a person to consider that music is permissible despite:

a) The scholars’ agreement on its prohibition based upon Surah Luqman 31:6.

b) The music of today is overwhelmingly filthy to the extent of poisoning one’s mind with immodest thoughts.

Understanding the harms of music is the first step to freeing ourselves from its shackles. Indeed, we have the beautiful words of Allah ﷻ to listen to, and Nasheeds glorifying Him. Use these as the replacement for music; not only is this a rewardable act but will also enrich our days and uplift our mood. So next time we are on the car, bus, or train - let us not search for the music, rather the Holy Qur’an.

Closing Points

The challenges faced by the youth go much further and beyond what is mentioned above, but know that it is never too late to turn back to Allah ﷻ, the most merciful. Whatever your issue is, have faith and place reliance on Allah ﷻ and aim for the good death.

Imagine the day we are resurrected. The burning heat of the sun is just above us. Our mothers, fathers, siblings, spouses, children, and the closest of friends; all of them will be fleeing from us [Surah Abasa 80:34].

Why? Because that day we will only be concerned about ourselves and forget about everyone else. No words can describe how we will be feeling on that day. But on that day, some people will be happy, their faces bright. Under the extreme heat, some people will find shade under the throne of Allah ﷻ.

One of those people under the shade will be a young person who grew up in the worship of Allah Almighty [Jami’ Al-Tirmidhi 2391].

What is the reward for these people? A place no eye has ever seen. No ear has ever heard. No heart or mind could comprehend. A place which is our eternal abode and ultimate target, That is Jannah.

May Allah ﷻ have mercy upon us, forgive our sins, guide us, and enter us into His Jannah. Ameen.

Abrar Chowdhry

Alimiyyah Graduate, Chartered Accountant,

Student of Shaykh Faizulhaq Abdulaziz حفظه الله


Dec 14, 2024

Allahumabarik, a very beneficial post!


Abdur Rashid
Dec 11, 2024

Masha Allah Beautiful Article


Dec 11, 2024

masha Allah very informative and well written Jazzakhallah for sharing


Millie Begum
Millie Begum
Dec 11, 2024

May Allah continue to bless you with knowledge and wisdom.”


Muhammad Kabir
Muhammad Kabir
Dec 11, 2024

Masha Allah a beautiful read and learned alot alhamdulillah

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