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Impact of Salah in Daily Life

Ar-Rashad Press

Rahima Nazmin

Salah is one of the pillars of Islam, meaning it is obligatory upon every mature Muslim to establish the five daily prayers. Delving deeper into salah, we find that it is not only a religious obligation but has been established for our own benefit:

"For Allah ﷻ is free of need while you are needy." [Surah Muhammad 47:38]

Many of us find salah a heavy burden. When the call to prayer is given, we move lazily to our prayer mat as if carrying a mountain above our heads. When invited to a party, we rush to get ready in the best and most beautiful outfits. We yearn for get-togethers with friends to share our joys and sorrows. Allah ﷻ invites us five times a day, yet we turn away or respond sluggishly. We forget that salah was an honored gift given to the Prophet ﷺ during the miraculous journey of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj.

A gift is something given for the happiness and welfare of the receiver. Allah ﷻ, being Al-Wahhab (the Giver of Gifts), has given us a gift whose immense benefits only He knows. Salah encompasses numerous physical and spiritual benefits.

Salah Fills Our Heart with Peace

Our Almighty Lord has let us know:

"Only in the remembrance of Allah ﷻ do hearts find peace." [Surah Ar-Ra’d 13:28]

Those who acknowledge the unity of Allah ﷻ, accept His attributes, the Prophetic mission of His Messenger ﷺ, and embrace His revelations will find their hearts at peace through His remembrance. Allah ﷻ soothes their hearts with the thought of His grace and favors, for Allah's ﷻ promise is decisive. Nothing can comfort the anguished heart better than His divine and truthful promises.

We constantly search for solutions to our problems and relief from our troubles and worries. Allah ﷻ says:

"Seek help through patience and prayer." [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:45]

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ knew the value of salah and seized every opportunity to pray. He expressed the happiness and peace he experienced, saying:

"My comfort has been provided in prayer." (Sunan An-Nasa’i 3939)

Salah Purifies Us from Sins

To err is human, and even the most pious of Muslims sin and need to repent. Regular contact with Allah ﷻ helps us feel guilty for our sins and seek forgiveness. Without salah, a person may become numb to sin and fail to repent. A Muslim learns to constantly seek Allah’s ﷻ pardon and draw nearer to Him.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

"What do you think if there was a river by the door of any one of you, and he bathed in it five times a day, would there be any trace of dirt left on him?" They (his companions) replied: "No trace of dirt would be left on him." The Prophet ﷺ said: "This is like the five daily prayers, through which Allah ﷻ erases sin." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

Salah Improves Our Cardiovascular System

Islamic prayer involves various movements—standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting. These movements are equivalent to light exercise and have physical health benefits. Allah ﷻ discourages lazy prayer, as practiced by the hypocrites:

"Indeed, the hypocrites [think to] deceive Allah ﷻ, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily." [Surah An-Nisa 4:142]

A lethargic approach to prayer yields neither spiritual nor physical benefits. Allah ﷻ commands us:

"Observe the five obligatory prayers, especially the middle prayer, and stand in true devotion to Allah ﷻ." [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:238]

Repetitive salah movements, combined with focus and devotion (khushu), help prevent deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the veins).

Salah Improves Our Musculoskeletal System

The gentle muscle contractions and relaxations during salah increase flexibility without overexertion. Each Muslim performs at least 119 postures daily, equaling 3,570 monthly and 42,840 annually. Over an average lifespan, a Muslim performs over 1.9 million postures. This reduces joint stiffness and promotes musculoskeletal health.


Salah is a spiritual and physical activity where nearly all muscles of the body engage harmoniously, promoting activity without muscle fatigue. It induces peace in both body and soul. The interaction between the nervous system and the movements of salah minimizes anxiety and enhances relaxation for those who practice it regularly.

However, from an Islamic perspective, the ultimate goal of salah is to remember Allah ﷻ, attain a deep connection with Him, and train our consciousness to focus on Him during prayer.

"Indeed, I am Allah ﷻ. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance." [Surah Taha 20:14]

And Allah ﷻ knows best.

Rahima Nazmin

Alimiyyah Graduate, Teacher

Student of Shaykh Faizulhaq Abdulaziz حفظه الله



Masha Allah Beautiful Article.


Jan 31

ماشاء الله

May Allah swt reward all those involved in making these beautiful articles on this site.

Excellent reminders!

BarrakAllahu feekoum


Jan 31

Beautiful article ✌🏻


Eman Khan
Eman Khan
Jan 31

Mashallah very inspiring


Jan 31

Subhan’Allah, a really amazingly written article!

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