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Islam is an Environmentally Friendly Religion

Ar-Rashad Press

Ahmad Chowdhry


The first and most important guideline for the  Muslims is The Holy Qur’an, on how to live their daily lives. This divine scripture is carefully read  by Muslims for spirituality. So, we would like to put the first preference on looking at The Holy  Qur’an to guide us towards our duties regarding the environment. The Holy Qur’an praises nature and wildlife as an earthly heaven, a mirror to the lush forests of Paradise above. 

Living a balanced, moderate life is easy to say, but harder to follow through. Even the wealthier,  western Muslims have a difficult time living purely ‘off the land’. Yet this does not detract from  the verses:

…And do not desire corruption in the land.  Indeed, Allah Does Not like corruptors.”  [Surah Al-Qasas 28:77] 
…And do not commit abuse on the earth,  spreading corruption.”  [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:60] 

Corruption in our country, here in England, is when we see landfills galore and then expect it is someone else’s job to sort out. Corruption is when there are homeless people in our towns, and we walk past hoping that they will not see us. In the end, when we do not restore these things to harmony, we only end up polluting our own little bubble of survival. That is why Allah ﷻ says our  catastrophes are self-inflicted: 

Corruption has appeared throughout the land  and sea by what the hands of people have  earned.” [Surah Al-Rum 30:41]  

As if to give a wake-up call, people are told these catastrophic processes can heal and eliminate social and natural disorders, but through belief in  Allah ﷻ and respect for nature. In the Holy Qur’an Allah ﷻ said: 

…So… let them taste part of (the consequences  of) what they have done that perhaps they will  return (to righteousness).”  [Surah Al-Rum 30:41] 

General Cleanliness 

The lack of observing cleanliness is one of the major causes of pollution and the general deterioration of the environment. Islam is a strong proponent of cleanliness and wants its followers to observe cleanliness in every regard whether it is spiritual, personal, physical, and so on. Prophet  Muhammad ﷺ said in one of His Hadiths: 

Allah ﷻ is Pure and likes purity, he is Clean and  likes cleanliness, he is Generous and likes  generosity, he is Hospitable and loves hospitality,  so clean your courtyards.”  [Jami’ Tirmidhi]

From this Hadith it is clear that cleanliness and purity are the characteristics of Allah ﷻ, hence when a Muslim observes these within himself and in the surroundings, he is actually doing something that is loved by Allah ﷻ. Hence, the  prevention of pollution is evident from this  Hadith of the Prophet ﷺ which He further asserted in  the following way in another Hadith:

Cleanliness is half of belief. [Sahih Muslim]


The other aspect of environmentalism encouraged and commended in Islam is the ensuring of a  green environment. Islam is greatly in favour of the sowing and growing of trees so that the environment can stay healthy, and humans can benefit from such sowing.

Prophet ﷺ said: “If you have a sapling if you  have the time, be certain to plant it, even if  Doomsday starts to break forth.” [Al-Munawi]

No otherworldly environmental law can present the importance and imperativeness of plantation as does this Hadith of Prophet ﷺ. Hence, for a  Muslim, it is of grave importance to pay attention to plantation even in the direst circumstances.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever reclaims and cultivates dry, barren  land will be rewarded by Allah ﷻ. for the act. So  long as men and animals benefit from it, He will  record it for him as almsgiving.” [Al-Munawi]

Thus, this Hadith shows how Islam has associated protection and preservation of  plantation and environment with reward. Hence,  when a Muslim grows a tree, it is not just the environmental benefits that come from it, rather there is a reward for it as well that awaits in the world hereafter.

Animal Protection

Prophet ﷺ said: “If without good reason anyone kills a sparrow,  or a creature lesser than that even, the living  creature will put his plaint to Allah ﷻ on The Day  of Judgment, saying: ‘So-and-so killed me for no  purpose.”  [Sunan Al-Nasaie] 

Therefore, this Hadith gives sufficient proof about the care and protection Islam provides to animals,  hence, when a Muslim takes care of animals, he or she is preserving and protecting a crucial component of the ecology, in addition to being in a better place in the eyes of Allah ﷻ in the world of the hereafter.


Allah ﷻ talks about how He creates life through water and then sustains it through streams, rains, rivers,  and oceans that are homes for so many creatures.

And Allah ﷻ has sent down rain from the sky and given life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness.  Indeed, in that is a sign for a people who listen.”  [Surah Al-Nahl 16:65]  

In the Holy Qur’an, Allah ﷻ uses the analogy of life and death for Muslims to recognise the value of water. We cannot afford overflows while people wait for the rains. Third-world countries in desert climates are counting on us to give the cost of our water to them. 

By starting something simple like a well fundraiser we can kickstart a chain reaction that will motivate others to do the same. People will be thrilled by the way we perform Prophetic Eco  Wudu and preserve water. Whomever receives the well/water pump will be able to plant crops,  fruits, and trees for generations. 

And we have sent down blessed rain from the  sky and made grow thereby gardens and grain  from the harvest.”  [Surah Qaf 50:9]  

As water is another natural creation, Muslims believe it belongs to Allah ﷻ and nobody can monopolise it. Water is for sharing and there is enough water for all. In the Hadith:

Prophet ﷺ has  Said:  Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of  Allah ﷻ, peace and blessings be upon him, passed by Sa’d while he was performing ablution. The  Prophet said, “What is this excess?” Sa’d said, “Is  there excess with water in ablution?” The Prophet  said, “Yes, even if you were on the banks of a  flowing river.” [Sunan Ibn Majah 425] 

Prophet ﷺ has Said in the Hadith:

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet said: "Let none of you urinate [in still water, then perform Wudu with it.”  [Jami` at-Tirmidhi 68]
“...And whoever wakes up from his sleep should wash his hands before putting them in the water for ablution, because nobody knows where his hands were during sleep." [Bukhari 163]


The Holy Qur’an contains a lot of horticultural information which science has reaffirmed by more than 90%. Qur’anic plants are mentioned in detail with the medicinal properties of herbs being highlighted. Allah ﷻ speaks about His creative  design and the nutrition available from natural  produce as an encouragement to eat healthily: 

 “And it is he who sends down rain from the sky,  and we produce thereby the growth of all things.  We produce from it greenery from which we produce grains arranged in layers. And from the palm trees – of its emerging fruit are clusters hanging low. And [we produce] gardens of grapevines and olives and pomegranates, similar yet varied. Look at [each of] its fruit when it yields and [at] its ripening. Indeed, in that are signs for a  people who believe.”  [Surah Al-Ana’m 6:99]

Among the plants mentioned in the Holy Qur’an are: garlic, grapes, pomegranate, herbs, dates,  ginger, olives, lentils, onion, cucumber, figs,  mustard, a variety of trees including the Cedar and the acacia flower.

Patching the Ozone

The ozone “hole” over Antarctica is a  phenomenon whereby the stratosphere is thinned out. It is caused by refrigerants: CFCs, halons, and 51 freons. These have been banned since the 1970s,  but we still lose a few percentiles of ozone each year, and the increased thinning means the earth is losing its protective layer. Islam’s 14-hundred-year-old book mentions the atmosphere in  embracing language:

“And we made the sky a protected ceiling  (canopy), but they, from its signs, are turning  away.”  [Surah Al-Ambiya 21:32] 

Allah ﷻ has wrapped the earth with atmosphere and people have burned it away. Restoring it requires global diligence and commitment to neutralizing toxic gases/radiation. It is asking a  lot from billions of people, yet I believe it is the only way to go about it. Fight existing organizations that pollute the most and get politically involved to shake up government awareness. Environmental action is always on the agenda but not many dare to follow through. Nuclear plants and factories have protected legal rights to emit certain amounts of pollution and waste, we cannot always defeat those. But doing our individual part can collectively heal the “hole” in the sky over the years.

Stop or reduce the use of plastic

As we all know plastic is such a material that never rots and burning it causes a poisonous gas to be released into the atmosphere. If it is dug under the ground, it ruins the fertility of the land.  Unfortunately, the powerful countries of the world like America, China, and India have dumped their waste including plastics in the ocean, which is ruining the water and endangering ocean life. So, we all should control the usage of plastic and try to avoid using it as much as we can. 


I would like to conclude with a story for the  Muslim Ummah along with all the human beings of the world with the hope that it awakens them.  “Once a king got his workers to dig a place with a view to make a pond of milk and ordered all his subjects and the inhabitants to get a bucket full of milk to pour in the ditch the next day. In the night one man thought everyone is bringing milk, so it would not matter if I took a bucket full of water. So, he took a bucket full of water the next day and while he was about to pour the water, he saw it was filled with water; meaning everyone else thought like him last night and got a bucket full of water. The moral of this story is that if everyone turns away from doing the right thing nothing will ever change and this beautiful world will not be habitable for our future progeny.  Therefore, as it is a command of Allah ﷻ and his  Messenger ﷺ, we as Muslims must have the upper hand in protecting the environment more than any other people from other religious background including atheists.

Ahmad Chowdhry.

Alimiyyah graduate, Gas Engineer, and student of Shaykh Faizulhaq Abdulaziz حفظه الله.



Jan 19, 2024

Maa shaa Allah

Keep up the hard work


Faheed Din
Faheed Din
Jan 19, 2024

Really nice article mashallah, keep up the hard work..


Abul Rokon
Abul Rokon
Jan 19, 2024

MasaAllah, very nicely explained, keep it up. May Allah grant your Hard works Ameen.


sultan sultan
sultan sultan
Jan 19, 2024

JazhakALLAHU Khair for everyone's beautiful comments. ALLAH REWARD all for the efforts. Ameen summa ameen summa ameen


Abdur Rashid
Jan 19, 2024

Jazak Allahu khairan

Masha Allah

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