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Islam & Postmodernity

Ar-Rashad Press

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

Nazish Akhtar


Islam is the solution to all problems; thus, it provides stability and identity in the 21st century.  Postmodernity has caused the breakdown of many traditional metanarratives in society such as religious institutions, religious teachings, and even the breakdown of identity. It is  

important to highlight some of these 'broken'  aspects and assess the stability of Islam in such a  state.

What is postmodernity? 

It is a term used to define society that has vastly progressed beyond modernity into an era beyond any other. The 21st century is often coined as this as society has reached its height in technological and scientific advancements. Despite this, it is important to note that society is not all it is made out to be and religion is in fact vital - especially when society has become more complex than ever before. Such societies prioritize personal choice and thus abandon the traditional conventions of society. This results in society becoming complex and uncertain. The movement towards this uncertainty calls for the breakdown of religion, yet despite all its efforts, Islam remains a steady and stable force.

What has postmodernity caused?

Focusing on the breakdown of religion, religions are treated like commodities as though companies  sell spirituality to the public. Christian celebrations of Christmas and Easter no longer serve their purpose of religious festivals but are seen as business opportunities for large corporations. The identity of religion has become  tarnished as beliefs and cultures are no longer  embedded in their original context;

postmodernism has caused the breakdown of religion either through denial or adaption.  

An example of this is the Christian church which  preaches against homosexuality, which is  

forbidden in their bible, and, like Islam, is considered a grave sin. Despite the concrete  evidence, churches can be seen influenced by the  changing society, turning away from its religious  doctrine, and succumbing to societal changes. The very church that once prohibited homosexuality now conducts ceremonies that bring together gay couples. This is due to the advancements in society and the belief of personal choice, which must be forcefully accepted by religious institutions.  

Although the west is seen to succumb to these  changes, it is evident that Islam refuses to adapt  its teachings. Islam is more than just a religion that goes beyond its place of worship; in fact, it is  a complete code of life that provides rules and guidelines for every walk of life. Allah ﷻ says 

“Do not exchange guidance with misguidance”  [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:16]  

In a literal sense, Allah's use of the word  'exchange' can also be taken in the meaning of 'to purchase' establishing the fact that this should never be the case even if you see financial gain.  The Holy Qur’an echoes that this trade is indeed unsuccessful, and Allah clearly orders for it to be rejected. This verse alone showcases Islam’s stability and how it will not exchange nor trade  any of its teachings even if society commands it to do so. The society may change but Islam will and must always remain the same. 

Furthermore, postmodernity has contributed to  the breakdown of identity in society, making it  even more complex. Sexuality, nationality, gender,  and class have all become fluid and fragmented as society thrives on uncertainty and personal choice. An example of this increased breakdown  in society has resulted in the acceptance of  transgenderism to the point where even pronouns  are deemed offensive. Therefore, religion can be an attractive source of identity. The Islamic  identity is constructed through universal  principles and teachings that share a  

commonality across all backgrounds. the Muslim  identity is more than just the language or clothing. Allah ﷻ says 

“Say verily my prayers, my sacrifice, my living  and my dying are for Allah lord of the universe”  [Surah Al-An’am 6:162]  

This ayah showcases the goal and lifestyle of a  Muslim, and he should make this his identity. As a Muslim, he is first and foremost a devotee to  Allah and later anything he labels himself to be.  When being a slave of Allah is given priority, a  Muslim will automatically abide and refrain from the evils of society. As a Muslim, he always remembers his purpose of pleasing Allah.

Moreover, some may argue that the postmodern movement has resulted in scientific advancement as scientists have discovered knowledge beyond any time. However, it is important to note that despite recent discoveries, science is no longer done to solely uncover knowledge or to make the world a better place, but in fact it is a tool to empower those with the money to fund it. This  can be explained through the invention of  dangerous nuclear weapons yet there is no cure  for cancer. This claim itself is questioned as many believe the cure is found but intentionally not  released in order to gain more funding as the public are in dire need. The

Hadith of Rasulullah   says ﷺ

'There is no illness sent down that Allah has not  also provided its cure.' (Sahih Al-Bukhari, book # 71, Hadith 582, narrated by Abu Huraira) 

On the other hand, Islam can be seen to go  beyond its time and contribute to the scientific  world beyond the capacity of its time. The Holy  Qur’an which was revealed 1400 years ago to an  unschooled Muhammed ﷺ can be seen making reference to 'atoms' as Allah ﷻ says 






 ‘… by him who knows the unseen from whom is  not hidden the weight of an atom in the heavens  nor the earth.' [Surah Saba 34:3]  

This ayah is extraordinary as it has surpassed all  knowledge known at that time. In a time where microscopes did not exist nor research of the unseen was done, the Holy Qur’an makes factual statements regarding the 'atom' as being unseen and invisible to the naked eye yet carrying a  weight. Such extraordinary references are just one  of many in the Holy Qur’an making its revelation  miraculous. The advanced knowledge of the Holy  Qur’an showcases its superiority which possibly assisted modern day research. 


In conclusion, it is clear that, as society progresses, its teachings and lifestyle advance with it to the extent where society cannot relate to the eras prior to it. With every passing day, we get closer to the destruction of traditional conventions yet despite this Islam remains a stable force that cannot be affected nor adapted by societal change.  It is a growing force that is gaining even more popularity as many turn away from an 'uncertain'  and 'complex' secular society to a lifestyle and religion that provides comfort, security, and identity. Islam is a stable force and with the will of  Allah ﷻ it will thrive until the end of time.

Nazish Akhter

Alimiyyah Graduate and Student of Shaykh Faizulhaq Abdulaziz حفظه الله



kiran hussain
kiran hussain
Jan 20, 2024

Excellent article from Alimiyyah Nazish. Islam has always and will always remain a stable force. Such a shame society and mainstream culture force other religions to change to meet to society expectations.


Jan 19, 2024



Jan 19, 2024

Maa shaa Allah


Faheed Din
Faheed Din
Jan 19, 2024

ماشاءاللہ well explained


Mushfiq Ahmed
Mushfiq Ahmed
Jan 19, 2024


Nice article

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