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Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Supreme Character

Ar-Rashad Press

Waseem Akhtar


The Prophet Muhammed was sent as an ideal role model and guidance for the whole of humanity. Muslims consider him with great spiritual relevance, and his attributes that made his character are even more respected and celebrated.  

He was a Prophet, teacher, judge, political leader,  father, and husband. He had a variety of roles and characteristics that defined his unique persona which Muslims seek to abide by and imitate through his Sunnah and legacy.  

This article will highlight some of the endless qualities and characteristics of the Prophet  Muhammed and will make reference to his respected personality and attributes.

Kind and Gentle

The Prophet was born an orphan as his father  Abdullah died before his birth and his mother  Amina passed away when he was at the young age of 6. Because of this, the Prophet grew up with compassion in his heart for all those with unfortunate backgrounds and took special care for the rights of the poor, needy, orphans, and disabled. The Prophet’s humble background contributed to his love of establishing justice and mercy in all walks of life. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: 

“By the grace of Allah, you are gentle towards the  people; if you had been stern and ill-tempered,  they would have dispersed from round about  you.” [Surah Al-Imran 3:159]  

Allah refers to the gentle and easy-going nature of the Prophet and this quality served as a form of dawah in inviting people to Islam. The Prophet  Muhammed was a soft character that had empathy to all those he encountered, even those he did not meet. Rasullallah’s concern for his  Ummah and humanity was showcased in his soft and loving nature that is required from a Prophet who was sent as guidance and as a leader for the whole of mankind.  As well as his compassion for all of mankind, the  Holy Prophet was an activist for the rights of animals, preaching for their well-being and their safety. In Abu Dawud, Kitab of Jihad: Rasulullah said,

‘Fear Allah in your treatment  of animals.’  

Here the Prophet clearly commands the just treatment of animals, and it can further be seen practically in the Hadith of Sahih Bukhari where during a journey somebody picked up some bird eggs, the bird’s painful note and fluttering attracted the attention of the Prophet who asked the man to replace the eggs.


As well as being soft and loving his believers so much, the Prophet served justice in every aspect of his life. It is narrated by Abu Dawud that  Jews would bring their cases to Rasulullah for him to judge, using the Jewish laws, despite them  not accepting Islam. They had full trust in the just  and trustworthy character of Muhammed   

An incident was recorded in Sahih Bukhari where  Abdullah Bin Sahl (RA), a companion, was deputed to collect rent from Jews of Khaybar. His cousin Mahisa accompanied him but, on reaching  Khaybar they had separated. Abdullah was waylaid and done to death. Mahisa reported this tragedy to the Prophet but as there were no eyewitnesses to identify the guilty, he did not say anything to the Jews and paid the Blood-money out of the state revenues. Narrations like this demonstrate the just character of Rasulullah as he dealt with believers and nonbelievers equally through the ruling of the Sharia Law, never oppressing or misleading. 


Muhammed held the highest responsibility in the nation, as the political leader and army general. He led many successful battles, for instance, the battle of Badr, Trench, and Tabuk where the Muslims were greatly outnumbered. It  was narrated by Ali (RA):  

“You should have seen him on the day of Badr! We sought refuge with the Messenger of God ﷺ He was the closest among us to the enemy. On that  day, the Messenger of God ﷺwas the strongest  one among us.” [Musnad Ahmad 654] 

Despite the high rank of Prophet he actively  cooperated and took part with the Sahaba in the  61 battles. He was the most courageous, wise, and was always guaranteed success as everything he did was with the will of God.


Despite being such a respected leader and having such a lofty position both spiritually and physically the Prophet was extremely humble.  He lived his day-to-day life preaching simplicity and gratitude. It is narrated by Anas bin Malik: 

“Once, while we were sitting with the Messenger of God ﷺ in the Masjid, a man on his camel approached. After he tied it to a rope he asked:  ‘Who amongst you is Muhammed?’ The  Messenger of God ﷺ was sitting on the ground while he was leaning, with his companions. We  directed the Bedouin saying: ’This white man  leaning on the ground.’ [Sahih Bukhari] 

The Prophet did not offer nor distinguish himself from his companions. Whether he was with his companions or by himself Rasulullah’s lifestyle echoed simplicity and humbleness. As a husband and a father,  Prophet Muhammed served as the best role model as he acted differently to the patriarchal society. Aisha (RA) narrated that Rasulullah would take part in all daily activities of the home,  cooking, cleaning and even milking the goat. He never considered himself to be too high for a position but in fact he remained simple. These humble characteristics of the Prophet allowed him to mix with both the higher people of the  Quraish as well as the laymen and Bedouins.  Rasulullah was able to communicate with the  young and old, men and women, rich and poor,  and because of this many entered into Islam from  all walks of life as they grew close to his comforting character and valuable teachings. Rasulullah narrated  

“Sometimes, when I return to my family, I would  find a date fruit on the bed. I would pick it up to  eat it; but I would fear that it was from the  charity, and thus, throw it back [on the ground].”  [Sahih Bukhari 2300] 

This Hadith showcases that the Prophet did not have enough to consume at home, as finding a date would seem like a luxury yet he refused it out of fear of trespassing his limits.


Muhammed also had a role of a teacher as he taught the Sahaba about every aspect of life,  which was later narrated and transmitted through reliable Ahadith and narrations. The Prophet taught how to live a life obedient to Allah, with the aim of success in the hereafter. He taught the religious rituals in Sharia, but also practical matters, such as good conduct and good character.  

Physical Beauty  

In addition to his amazing characteristics and qualities, the Prophet was physically beautiful and simply perfect. It was said in a poem by a  poet named Hassan ibn Sabit (RA) ‘beloved  Prophet you are so perfect it is as if you have  designed yourself!’ Several Hadiths are found describing the physical attributes of Rasulullah .  Although no image exists, descriptions make it clear he was perfect beyond all measures.  Descriptions given by the Sahabas indicate the  Prophet was of ‘average height’ with a ‘white  complexion’ and whenever he was angered his  face would go as ‘red as a pomegranate seed.’ He had a chest full of beard hair and his facial structure was perfect with ‘hair not too straight or too curly’. 

Prophet of Allah  

Muhammed . was sent first and foremost as a  Messenger and Prophet. He had no imperfections at all and served as a light for humanity. Aisha  (RA) narrated “He is the Holy Qur’an”  showcasing that everything the Prophet . did and preached was for the guidance of humanity, he lived the life of the Holy Qur’an in all he did.  Rasulullah . himself said,

“Everything that comes  out between my lips is nothing but the truth.”

a his very act was solely a form of dawah an guidance. Rasulullah . was a walking example of  an ideal Muslim and human in the eyes of Allah. 

The Prophet Muhammad . was a Prophet but did not have infallible knowledge of some unseen events such as timing of The Day of Judgement or when he would take his last breath on Earth.  Prophet . was indeed a man, which makes us all  relatable to him, but his rank is the highest of all  the creation of Allah, as he was selected by  Almighty Allah as his Prophet to carry his message, his revelation of the Holy Qur’an - something that not even the Heavens, Earth or  Mountains could carry as stated in Surah Ahzaab  verse 72.

He was bestowed some of the knowledge of the unseen such as the events of Miraj, the Hereafter and knowledge regarding the life of the barzakh – grave - but because he was sent in the form of man, his lifestyle and teachings were relatable as mankind realised that living the perfect life is actually attainable by imitating the  life of the Prophet . Allah says in Surah  Baqarah

“we sent you as a representative on the earth”

referring to Adam (AS), however, all  Prophets are representatives and role models sent  by Allah out of mercy to lead mankind to the right and light. 


In conclusion, the Prophet Muhammed . had the best of characteristics. He gave a definition to the perfect being, both physically and spiritually and served as a role model for believers and non believers alike as everything he did echoed humanity and humbleness. The fact he was a  Prophet and specifically chosen by Allah to carry out such an intense duty demonstrates his credibility over the rest as there is a reason Allah considered him fit to be the seal of Prophethood.  He led many roles in his life, left a mark on humanity, and set a guideline to how to live solely according to the Holy Qur’an and Sharia. His every attribute was nothing but praised and perfect, thus he is considered the best of creations to have walked the surface of the earth.  

Prophet Muhammed . was, and is, the best of mankind and his legacy will forever remain. He was a light sent to mankind out of mercy from  Allah hence his characteristics and persona are so highly regarded and respected. May Allah make us the true followers of our beloved Prophet .. Ameen. 

Waseem Akhtar

Alimiyyah Graduate and Student of

Shaykh Faizulhaq Abdulaziz حفظه الله



Waseem Akhtar
Waseem Akhtar
Jul 20, 2024

Allah humma barik


Mushfiq Ahmed
Mushfiq Ahmed
Jul 19, 2024

MashaAllah, very nice and relevant for the current time


Abul Rokon
Abul Rokon
Jul 19, 2024

MasaAllah, Nice Article


Abdur Rashid
Jul 19, 2024


Masha Allah

Beautiful Article


Jul 19, 2024

Maa shaa Allah

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