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The Holy Qur’an: Guidance for Mankind

Ar-Rashad Press

Faheed Ud Din


Today, there is a phenomenon that China and  Japan are advanced in technology and that the  West is very civilised. The fact of the matter is, going back a few hundred years, we realise how civilised Europe was. Going further back we reach the Islamic Golden Age, an age that ushered in advancements in all walks of life, an age that had the Holy Qur’an as a guide. The Holy Qur’an guides us in all aspects of life as well as explaining to us the rights of parents, children, wives, and husbands etc, and commands us to fulfil these rights. The downfall of the Muslim community started when the Holy Qur’an was considered just a holy book and not the ultimate guide to life. 

The most-read book throughout the world, The  Holy Qur’an, is the last book and speech of Allah ﷻ carrying the message of mercy, forgiveness, and peace for all mankind. The Holy Qur’an was revealed more than 1440 years ago to the last  Messenger of Allah ﷻ, Prophet Muhammed ﷻ as the final word to call mankind towards the creator and to share the truth about the universe with mankind. The message in The Holy Qur’an teaches us how to live our lives in accordance with the guidelines provided by Allah ﷻ and to follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ. Reciting and striving to understand the Holy Qur’an reveals many treasures of wisdom in the Holy  Qur’an which helps to draw us closer to Allah ﷻ.

The Holy Qur’an is the word of Allah containing happiness and guidance for humans. 

Allah ﷻ says in the Holy Qur’an: 

“Indeed, this Holy Qur’an guides to the path  which is clearer and straighter than any other.”  [Surah Bani-Israel 17:9]  

This verse supports the fact that mankind is in a loss if they do not take heed of the advice given to us in the Holy Qur’an - that no matter which path they follow even if it appears to be the true path,  the Holy Qur’an provides the clearer and straighter path than any other and if he does not follow the advice, he will undoubtedly be unsuccessful. Allah ﷻ is reaching out to his slaves  saying: 

  “Oh people, a reminder has come to you from  your lord and cure for which lies in the chest…”  [Surah Yunus 10:57]  

The Holy Qur’an has also mentioned a ‘cure’ (A  cure for whatever this may be). As humans, a lot of us do not have the contentment and happiness,  internally, that we would like to have. Although we may have pockets of peace and contentment,  there are always parts that are missing, we are never satisfied. The Holy Qur’an has been given to help and guide us to find that satisfaction and contentment. If you are ill, you will need to test your blood and determine the type of sickness you have. The centre of that blood is the heart; it pumps out blood to every part of the body. So, Allah ﷻ says we have already sent down to you that which has in it the cure for what is in your heart, if Allah ﷻ has already told us this, by not  following and reciting the Holy Qur’an how do we expect to find the gratification we need? Allah ﷻ has laid down solutions for every human problem in the Holy Qur’an. Allah ﷻ says: 

“…And We have sent down to you the Book as  clarification for all things and as guidance and  mercy and good tidings for the Muslims”  [Surah Al-Nahl 16:89]  

Often people will say ‘I need guidance’, and when these same people reject the rules and regulations in the Holy Qur’an, which is the actual source of guidance, they obviously do not find the right path and they will never find it because to be guided you need to follow what Allah ﷻ has given you.

Allah ﷻ has guided us to the right path - the path of happiness, success etc and has provided us the means of refraining from the evil path - the path of corruption and wrongdoing.  

Allah ﷻ has created us, knowing what is wrong and right for us so how can we reject the advice of our creator? In this Ayah, it has been specified that the mercy of Allah ﷻ is only for those who believe.  We will only attain this mercy if we understand and act upon our belief in the oneness of Allah ﷻ by worshipping only him and that the Prophet ﷺ. was sent to us as a light and guide. At the time of  Prophet ﷺ. some people may have read the Holy Qur’an and understood it but were not blessed with the mercy of Allah ﷻ as they did not believe.

A guidance from darkness to light  

“A Book we have sent down to you so that you  may bring forth mankind from the darkness into  the light….” [Surah Ibrahim 14:1]  

The ‘darkness’ may be understood as the darkness of ignorance. Without a doubt, the darkness of ignorance is one of the vices (immoral or evil habits) from which the Holy Qur’an emancipates humanity and leads it towards the light of knowledge and wisdom. But there exist other evils more dangerous than the vice of ignorance, and to subdue them is beyond the power of sheer knowledge. Among them are the vices of worship of material benefits, egoism, enslavement to desires, and greed, which are considered to be personal and moral vices. Social vices like oppression and discrimination manifest the spiritual darkness of society. Whenever the Holy  Qur’an mentions darkness, it always uses it in the plural form, highlighting all aspects of darkness.  Light, on the other hand, is always mentioned as singular, emphasising that light is one single straight path. In Arabic, the word zulm (injustice and oppression) is derived from the root word al zulma (darkness), which shows that injustice is a form of social and spiritual darkness. The Holy  Qur’an removes people from the shadows they have engaged themselves in and urges them into one straight path - the path of righteousness and the path of Islam.

A distinction between truth and  falsehood  

“…a guidance for mankind and clear evidence of  guidance and discrimination (between wrong)”  [Surah Al-Baqarah 2:185]  

The Holy Qur’an is guidance, an evidence,  discrimination between right and wrong, and a manifest light for the people to guide them aright and help them in all their needs. This indicates that there is no reason for mankind to go astray as  Allah ﷻ has sent down a book to people of all times, and, with it, sent a teacher to teach the  Holy Qur’an and preach the oneness of Allah ﷻ.

Allah ﷻ has also warned us regarding the result of  forsaking the Holy Qur’an and its guidance: “Whoever keeps it (Holy Qur’an) behind, it will  drive him to hellfire.” The Holy Qur’an is a necessity for mankind to succeed and without it we are sure to lose our way and end up falling into the fires of this world and the hereafter. In the  Holy Qur’an Allah ﷻ says to us:  

“They do not ponder over the Holy Qur’an are  their locks on their hearts.”  [Surah Muhammed 47:24]  

In this verse, Allah ﷻ commands us to reflect over the Holy Qur’an. Not only do we have to recite the  Holy Qur’an, but we also have an obligation to understand it and follow its commandments and refrain from its prohibitions, which will help us incorporate Islam into our lives and gain a closeness to Allah ﷻ, which will In Sha Allah lead to success in this world and the hereafter, which is the ultimate goal. It is concluded and proven from all this that any guidance besides the guidance of  Allah ﷻ and his Prophet ﷺ.is, in fact, misguidance and the best source to find the greatest guidance is the Holy Qur’an.

Faheed Ud Din

Training officer at Airport,

Alimiyyah Graduate and student of Shaykh Faizulhaq Abdulaziz حفظه الله




Abdur Rashid
Apr 19, 2024

Masha Allah Alhamdulillah # The Holy Qur'an Guidance for mankind.


Mar 13, 2024

Maa shaa Allah

An eye opener


Mar 03, 2024

Allahumma barik! amazing read. Jazak Allah khairan

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